共為你找到:200筆new one 皮套 mobile 相關企業資訊
皮套達人有限公司位於新北市中和區,營業登記地址:新北市中和區德穗里莒光路84巷5號4樓,皮套達人有限公司的統一編號:53434531,營業稅籍分類屬於:其他玩具、娛樂用品批發,皮套達人有限公司的負責人是鄧◯田,資本額:1,000,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立 。 皮套達人有限公司的地址位於
皮套王皮件有限公司位於新北市板橋區,營業登記地址:新北市板橋區松柏街33巷14號1樓,皮套王皮件有限公司的統一編號:25038643,營業稅籍分類屬於:真皮皮包、手提包零售,皮套王皮件有限公司的負責人是顏O傑,資本額:10,000,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立 。 皮套王皮件有限公司的地址位於
新店家歡迎你加入NEW STYLE團隊 店址位於:曉陽路麥當勞順發3c正旁 只要肯學.再短時間一定輔導你成為設計師
Yiman Infotek is continue to grow during the past three year, and crossing to several fields. Base on multimedia interactive design, we have gathered strength and self-training to increase high quality to service in all kind of corporations in Taiwan. Our main business is the web development which involves two groups: Visual Art Design Dept and IT Dept. This year, we are going to combine other expertise to increase our services which are BTOB, BTOC, and CTOC. The new business line will be intensive integrated of developing mobile phone video and corporate with internet server to clients. If you are the one who wants a stage to prove your skill or need an environment to mature your skill, please submit your resume and join us as possible. 本公司是專注於IT產業多媒體互動軟體研發設計 1. 主業務為互動軟體規劃包含企業External and Intranet 系統整合、視覺UI設計,、多媒體設計 2. 次業務為網站設計、平面印刷設計、及3D建模 A.) 網站設計: 包含各大中小企業網站前台視覺設計,及後台系統規劃。研發技術以 HTML, XML, CSS, FLASH AS, ASP.NET, ASP, SQL2005, PHP5, MYSQL, and others relative B.) 平面設計: 包含 CS 系統設計,平面規劃設計到包裝設計 C.) 著重於Maya 3D 建模及運用於網路3D 3. 藉由科技與藝術創作的結合,品牌行銷搭配互動多媒體及網路行銷,更為廣泛及應用,進而提更高層次的品牌形。 如以有相關人員請投遞履歷到 [email protected] 或者經由518
大瑞科技秉持技術創新精神,提供半導體、LED及太陽能產業高品質低成本之產品及服務。走過蓽路藍縷的草創階段,大瑞科技已經是全球BGA、CSP等高端IC封裝用錫球之領導廠商,終端應用產品包括CPU、繪圖晶片、DDR甚至手持行動裝置所需晶片。 2010年大瑞科技透過購併、組織擴編成立IC、LED及太陽能晶片封裝用之銲線材料事業部,不僅在高單價位金線外提供客戶低成本之替代性材料-銀線及銅線,也讓大瑞科技在原有高階IC封裝材料領域外跨入LED及太陽能等深具未來成長潛力的產業。 大瑞科技以一貫誠正信實之理念,提供全方位解決方案之服務精神,正逐步擴大封裝材料之市場版圖。 Profound Material Technology Co., Ltd. (PMTC) upholds the spirit of technological innovation and offers its services to Semiconductor, LED and Solar Energy Industry with high quality and low cost products. After go through the initial stage of production, PMTC has become one of the world’s largest solder balls supplier for BGA, CSP and other high-end IC packaging. Its application is the chips required in CPU, GPU, DDR and even hand-held mobile device. In Year 2010, through the acquisition, Profound Material Technology Co., Ltd. expands and organizes a new material division – alloy wire, which used in chip packaging of IC, LED and Solar Energy Industry. We provide an alternative low cost materials, silver wires and copper wires to replace the high cost material (gold wire). Thus, besides current high-end IC industry, Profound Material Technology Co. Ltd. has also get into the packaging materials territory in LED and Solar Energy, the future potential industry. With the philosophy of "honest is faithful"; and providing a comprehensive solutions service to customer, PMTC being gradually expanded its territory of packaging materials market.
Micron is one of the world’s leading semiconductor companies. Our DRAM, NAND and NOR Flash memory products are used in everything from computing, networking, and server applications, to mobile, embedded, consumer, automotive, and industrial designs. We’re an innovator and industry leader, developing groundbreaking technologies that transform what’s possible. We’re also a partner with other manufacturers and enablers, making it easier for our customers to try new things and gain competitive advantages in their markets.
聯流科技是Auto-ID(條碼、磁卡、POS技術)的外 銷廠商 軟體開發廠商 為使條碼自動化落實深根國內,聯流科技擁有「 軟體開發」Teams,自行開發軟體,並結合本公 司硬體設備,直接提供整體服務Total Solutions ┌餐飲無線點菜 →國內前三名供應商 ├商店POS結帳系統 →國內第一家軟硬體 │ 結合方案 ├民宿管理系統 → New ├湯屋管理系統 → New ├Web-based禮券系統→國內禮券系統之創舉 └收銀監控系統 →國內第一家提供 條碼/磁卡自動化之規劃及諮詢 我們以14年以上在Auto-ID之專業及管理知識,先後完成許多大型企業自動化 之輔導及規劃→ 全虹通信、永康物流(歡迎來電洽詢細節) 2004工作方向 我們的目標: 價格更便宜→ 讓人人買得起 服務更好 → 專業、快速(到24:00凌晨) 2004年我們將跨入領域 〔無線使用〕Wireless:無線週邊(藍牙 → RF868) 無線操作(無線點菜…) 〔戶外移動〕Mobile:資料蒐集, FTP,Web方式 〔Web-based〕:Web-based應用軟體及支援 〔觸控〕Touch: 更多的觸控選擇 1)觸控成品 2)提供觸控DIY套件(GLASS/FILM + CONTROLLER + DRIVER) 2004年嶄新的服務 我們合力提升產品售後服務系統,除提供一年保固服務外,我們積極佈建服務系統,我們期以〔條碼界服務第一名〕公司做我們的目標 提供FTP服務 → 免費 提供產品諮詢及教育訓練(限本公司)→ 免費 提供備品及ON-SITE服務(另行洽購) 提供924專案: 全年365天無休9:00 AM~24:00PM電話諮詢(另行洽購) 供924專案 + 4小時到場維修(限台北地區)(另行洽購) 成功案例 聯流科技是國內的「條碼、磁卡、POS週邊」廠商,並以『BIRCH』(聯流)品牌行銷國際市場,在此專業領域中有十年以上的專業技術與經驗。 我們的成果 在國內POS市場中有超過1500套以上安裝記錄 國內第一套的「軟硬體整合為一的迷你套餐」 國內最便宜的「餐飲點菜結帳系統」 經濟部商業司「商資團」成員,整合迷你套餐經由經濟部評審推薦為優良產品 經濟部「中小企業處」榮譽指導員廠商 中華民國軟體協會會員 台北市電腦公會會員、台中市電腦公會會員 工作機會 我們誠摯歡迎有電腦軟硬體經驗之有志青年加入我們的行列(國內外業務人員、維護/客服工程師、系統工程師、業務助理您若有很好的軟體,歡迎來電洽談合作事宜 公司所在地 台北總公司: 台北縣汐止市新台五路一段79號7樓之13 電話:(02) 2698-9596 傳真:(02) 2698-9597 E-mail: 業務 [email protected] 客服 [email protected] 建議信箱 [email protected] 美國分公司: 20 FLITCHER DR. MONTRILLE N.J. 07045 U.S.A. TEL:1-973-4022259 FAX:1-973-3358124
Spacewizard Computer (Brand Name – SWIZ) is a sophisticated designer and developer of All-In-One PC industry. SWIZ is always on the track of the latest PC technology and design to provide advanced, unique and cost effective business/consumer solutions. SWIZ manufactures high performance system for a wide range of applications, including health care, production control, Kiosk, portable mobile device, etc. Since 1998, SWIZ has dedicated its efforts to design and to develop space utilization computer products. With abundant experiences, the latest technologies, and advanced design methodologies, our R & D team is able to announce new products to fulfill the current markets and to maintain our leadership. The Company continues to make progress in its core technologies and to meet the next generation of business challenges and to help drive growth. Therefore we confidentially stand by the products we manufacture to the market.
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